Thursday, December 17, 2015
Copy Rights
In class we have had the chance to talk about copyrighting. This blog entry will be a little different from my others. Instead of giving my insight on what i thought, I figured I will post links to websites that discusses copyrighting and have a discussion form their. Below you will find link to websites that will tell you all you want to know and things you probably did not know about copy rights.
What can you copy right
There is a fee
Here is the law
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Who would have ever thought that games could be used in the workplace or in our US Army? In one of the article that I read I learned how the US Army uses game systems to practice combat situations with their recruits. These systems act as a real life example to what could happen in the field. The US Army has spent millions of dollars in investing into these programs to help their soldiers. In class we had the chance to look at a program called second life. Second life is a virtual world that allows users to interact with each other via the web. In this virtual world you can build homes, start business and network with many people. Some users have even taken it as far as making money from this program. This goes to show how for the software industry has come. I have learned that gaming is more than what we think, it’s more than a play station or an Xbox, gaming I believe will be the new era to how we use computer software. The use of video games allows us to explore situations without even coming in counter with them yet. The gaming industry is a multi-million dollar industry a year that is creating new jobs every year. I think it is important to look at gaming from all angles, from a consumer side and from a business aspect. The one thing that I will take away from gaming in this course if that they are more than just Madden or NBA 2k15 they are a source of information for learning.
New Media
New Media
Who would have every thought that there was a time when there were no computers or modern media outlets that we have now. In one of my classmates blogs it discuss how over 20 years ago, some researchers had the knowledge to predict and profess media and technology that would be vital to our everyday lives today. The article that my fellow classmate discussed was written in September of 1991, so many of the computers and tablets that we have now were simply thoughts then. In that article it talked about how computers would start to come in different sizes and shapes in the future. When we fast forward to now we are able to see that what was once a thought is now an actual concept. I think it is amazing how we have been able to adapt media through the years. From social media sites that allow us to connect with our friends and family. To being able to buy and sell different thing on the World Wide Web. Through a lot of research and time I think that we have not seen the best of what media has to offer us just yet. I think there will come a time where we live in what is somewhat like a star track type of world. When that day comes I don’t know I just hope that I am around to witness it.
Computer Capabilities
Computer Capabilities
This week we had the chance to learn a lot about different technologies from the past present and some things we can expect to see in our future. We took a look at programs such as Siri; more than half of us use or have some type of smart phone devices. In a way we depend on it for basic information throughout our daily lives. One might be able to remember a time when the only type of computer one would think of was an old desktop that you might have seen in an old office building or maybe at home. They performed basic task that was suitable for that time period. Sense then computer capabilities have increased. We know find them being used in our homes, cars, and even our phones. Apple which is a computer software company has been a pioneer, for coming up with new game changing technologies. Siri which was introduced by apple is like a personal assistant for one phone. She is able to search directions, look up items on the World Wide Web and determine information for one’s personal use. In one of the articles that we read it discussed how in time we will depend on computers to perform daily functions. In a way some could say that we already do. Amazon has already launched a product called Alexa. Alexa is computer software that allows a person to use it as an assistant. In way Alexa is like Siri, expect that Alexa learns new information each and every time you use it. She can play music, give you the latest news and top sports shows. During this class we have been asked how computers can help us in the class room setting. It’s simple; as new information comes available we are able to do new things. We are able to use software such as skype, webcam and other video software to vlog which is just a form of a blog but in the form of a video. I believe that it will be a joy to see how the past and present plays a role into what computer capabilities will be offered to us in the future.
Monday, November 23, 2015
3 Readings For My Vlog
For my exam my job was to look into QR codes and hyperlinks. I was able to find a host of information regarding the topic. I was also able to find out a lot about QR codes and hyperlinks. What is even more interesting was how I was able to take some of the readings that we had read and see how they were able to tie into QR codes and hyperlinks? In the Article entitled As We May Think by Vannevar Bush, he says that “Science has provided the swiftest communication between individuals; it has provided a record of ideas”. Automatically I think of the exhibit that was shown in our class room and how, through the use of QR codes one would be able to view the exhibit simply by scanning the bar-code from their phone. Bush was correct when he said that science has provided the swiftest communication between individuals. We can relate this to hyperlinks and how they are able to direct us to different sites and information all while allowing us to stay on the same site, while moving at a rapid swift. Licklider said in his article that " it may be appropriate to acknowledge at some point we are using the term computer to cover a wide class of calculating data processing", I believe that in some way shape or form we can classify QR codes as a form of data processing. Reason being is because when a QR code reader processes the information from the bar-code on an item the data is transferred from the reader to the web, were an individual is able to retrieve information or as Licklder would say process data. Wiser wrote that" computers will come in different sizes each suited to a particular task". In a way our phones are transformed into a computer device once we have downloaded the QR codes reader application to our phones. Simply because the application performs a particular task that will allow users to retrieve and gather information. I believe that our readings were able to incorporate a lot of different information related to QR codes and Hyperlinks.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Hour of Code/New Media Production
Today in class we talked about coding and actually had the chance to take part it making some codes of our very own. What we learned was that in the next few years over 1 million jobs will be opening up for people who know how to code programs. What is shocking is that not even half of this positions will be able to be field simply because people lack the know how of coding. It's not that they can't do it, its simply that they don't know how to do it. We watched a short video that had interviewed some of the best coders out their. Such as Bill Gates and the founder of Facebook himself, each one explained that in order to code you don't have to be really smart. You simply just need to know how to read and simple math. They go on to explain how society has actually made it seem harder then what it is.
Currently there is an organization called HOUR OF CODE, that teaches young adults how to code at a very young age. It is getting so much media that even the President himself it backing the movement. In class I had the chance to try it out for myself. At first it was a little tricky, but as you go through the different levels you quickly are able to move through out the program very quick. I think that what this organization is doing is just great. I believe that it is inspiring young adults to do things that are not common.
In conclusion I would have to say that I if I could go back in time and start college over again I would take some coding classes if they were to be offered. I think that they would be really allow be to be more marketable when it comes to the workforce in the future.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Reflection Cyber
The Real Cyber
In class today we talked about the having the ability to alter one body or self image using robots. In the article The Real Cyber it talk about how some people are changing parts of their body and replacing them with robots or technology. This can be from you heart, to your leg and even your spine. Many of the people doing is this are doing it at their own free will. The question was posed to the group should this be allowed and accepted by the community. My answer to this questions was yes. Their is no law saying that one cannot alter their body in any shape or form. If that was the case then plastic surgery would not be allowed. I am a believer in, its your body do what you feel, as long as it is not harming anyone in the process.
However I do feel that it could cause problems in society though. Let's say that someone is about to die, they didn't have any true illness, they simply was dying of old age. Would it be right if someone wanted to just buy a new body so that they could live longer? I think that would be a question of the moral good . But then again their is no law saying we cant. I think that this can be a discussion all on its on.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Final Cut/Embodiment and Cyborgs
Today in class we had the chance to watch the movie Final Cut, the movie stars actor Robin Williams. Williams plays a Cutter who's job is to edit people memory's for the last moments in life, which is their funeral. Williams is allowed to go in a cut out the bad things, to portray the person in a positive light. During the movie Mr. Williams faces a few challenges, he finds out that he has a memory chip just like the rest of society. This is a problem because in order to be a cutter you cannot have the memory chip. Throughout the movie he comes in contact with a few people who try and use him so that they can gain access to his memory for their own personal reasons.
In class, a question was posed how would we feel if someone was able to come back and relive our lives by looking at our memory chips? My answer to this questions was kinda two sided, I think that it would be a good and bad idea. I think that the law community would love it, because then they would be able to go back and look at previous crimes and determine what the truth is. I think that this would save them time. In this intense I believe that it would be a good thing, I feel that a lot of people would appreciate it for this cause. I think that some people would look at it as a bad thing, simply because there may be secretes that some people may not want others into their personal lives.
What is sad is that I can eventually see this being something that is real in the future. I can see people when their young going to get little mind chips being put in their heads. What is sad is that I don't think that it is to far from happening. Overall though I believe that the movie was a really good movie and would recommend it to anyone.
In class, a question was posed how would we feel if someone was able to come back and relive our lives by looking at our memory chips? My answer to this questions was kinda two sided, I think that it would be a good and bad idea. I think that the law community would love it, because then they would be able to go back and look at previous crimes and determine what the truth is. I think that this would save them time. In this intense I believe that it would be a good thing, I feel that a lot of people would appreciate it for this cause. I think that some people would look at it as a bad thing, simply because there may be secretes that some people may not want others into their personal lives.
What is sad is that I can eventually see this being something that is real in the future. I can see people when their young going to get little mind chips being put in their heads. What is sad is that I don't think that it is to far from happening. Overall though I believe that the movie was a really good movie and would recommend it to anyone.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Artifacts From The Future Reflection
After having the chance to view the back to the future artifacts museum, a lot of different things stood out to me but the most interesting thing was the hover board that Lexus is currently producing. I am pretty sure we can all remember a time in which we wish we would skate through the sky, or be able to fly our cars. Well unfortunately that time still has not come yet. But there are some products out there that do allow us to feel like we are in the future. I can assure you one thing these products want come at a low price at all.
I think that when it comes to the future, I really can't see their being in flying cars, at least not in my life time. I think that the generation after me will probably find a way to make this happen. I think that this would be a project for NASA at some point in time.
One thing that I found to be very interesting about this museum was how it was displayed through QR codes. QR codes allows for people to scan information directly from their phone about the artifacts that they are viewing. In a way its pretty cool in two way, its allows for the person conducting the research to use technology in a different way to get their study across, and it allows for viewers to be able to take the information on the go.
I think that when it comes to the future, I really can't see their being in flying cars, at least not in my life time. I think that the generation after me will probably find a way to make this happen. I think that this would be a project for NASA at some point in time.
One thing that I found to be very interesting about this museum was how it was displayed through QR codes. QR codes allows for people to scan information directly from their phone about the artifacts that they are viewing. In a way its pretty cool in two way, its allows for the person conducting the research to use technology in a different way to get their study across, and it allows for viewers to be able to take the information on the go.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Jalen Jamison
Exam 1 (New Media)
Question #3
Past, Present, Future
I want you for a second to close your eyes and think back to a time were there was no internet, cell phones, Instagram, Facebook, Skype and YouTube. I want you to think about how your daily life was, how you interacted with people, how you received information, how you were able to get in contact with your friends and family. Its crazy to think that cell phones have only been around for about 40 years, and as for the internet, it has only be around for about 20 years. Currently we line in a time in which media outlets are always changing. The change they way we work, write, and even communicate on a daily basis. The question now is what can we expect for out media outlets to look like in the next 10 years down the road? Will we be able to jump into the phone a go any place we won't? Probably not, but with the way media and technology is changing, one can only wonder what will happen next. Through my research and findings. I have been able to draw upon a few hypothesis of what I see our future will look like. But in order to understand the future we most first understand the past and present day.
If you were to walk into in corporate office today I am sure you would probably find a lot of computers, fax machines, nice meeting rooms, equipped with fancy projectors screens and webcam devices. But if we were to look back 30 years ago I wonder would you find the same thing? The answer to that question is no. In the reading the (Culture Industry), it say's " technical rationality today is the rationality that the culture of technology will always and forever be changing" meaning what was then will not be now, and what is now will not be later. The reason being is simply because is in order to keep up with time we have to constaly change. In the pictures you will see that in right photo is a picture of an office building that was in the 1970's, and if you look to the right you will see that there is a picture of an office building now.
A lot has changed as you can see, the way that we write are no longer on old type writers, now we have high powered desktops. That come with software, that allows us to produce be quality work. If look at the photo on the left, you get the feeling that all of the workers are simply just a number at a desk, an really don’t interact with the co-workers. Nowadays company's encourage teambuilding and working in groups. Researchers have found that when people work together they often generate better quality work. In the past I am sure if someone had a meeting with a member from a member of a different company the only way that they could see them in person would be to physical meet them. That is no longer, now we are able to talk with anyone around the world using video software, known as skype. This saves company's millions of dollars each and every year on travel expenses.
But of course as we all may known, while there may be positive change from the past there is also negative change. With the introduction of the internet we are having to deal with problems we, surly would not have had to deal with in the past. For example cyber bullying, 30 years ago people didn't even know what the word "cyber" meant, let alone what cyber bullying was. The "(Cyber Bullying Research Center) said that Over the last decade, we have surveyed nearly 15,000 middle and high school students in ten different studies from over 97 different schools throughout the United States" from this studies the results and information that they found was alarming. It showed that more than 25% of the students surveyed had been a victim of cyber bullying at some point in there life. In the past I believe that many people would argue that this would not have been an issue, simply because social media website were not around for any of it to take place.
Although media outlets have had their downsides, they have opened many doors. It has allowed us the opportunity to create new medicine, interact with each other through our cell phones. It is not uncommand that the average person has some type of smart phone. Where we could see the biggest difference in our everyday lives, is when we sit down to watch TV. Before there was HD or Blue Ray there was just basic TV, nothing really special about it. In our reading ( Culture Industry) it draws reference to how, "cartoons and stunt films we exponents of fantasy against rationalism" in other words cartoons were what they are today. They were simply frames or clips put together to make one running slide.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
What Makes Good Blog's Good/ Media Flows
This week I and my classmates were instructed to look at
different award winning blogs, and what made them great. Through my investigation
I clearly could understand why these particular blogs were chosen to be the
best of the best in there selected fields. I found it amazing how people are
able to incorporate different elements in, to make a good blogs. While there
were many great blogs to choose from, I was able to narrow my search down to
four. The first blog that I found to be interesting was, a blog entitled “AParenting World”. This blog one first place in the best group or community web
blog category.
Our Parenting World is a weblog dedicated to parents, who
support each other, with helping each other out with different types of
parenting tips. The blog was started by a Mommy and Daddy team. Together the
both wrote the book “Picking the Right Hospital Right Doctor in Singapore” the
book went on to become a huge success. But that is not the reason why I choose
this blog as one of my top favorites. If you ever get a chance to visit the
blog the first thing that stands out is how interactive the blog is. You are
able to play with the website like a toy. It is very child friendly.
There are calendars
with upcoming events letting there visitors know what is going on in their
area. One thing that this couple has
been able to do is build a brand associated with their blog. They have made
there blog a brand name in the parenting world.
They have also been able to offer what some refer to as blogger
expertise. By providing a consistent stream of original material and content
they have demonstrated knowledge of a specific field or niche. That is why I
believe “A parenting World “was able to take home first place in there respected
Another great blog that I found to be very interesting and
was also named number one in its respected category was TMZ. TMZ for the past
couple of years have been able to catcher an audience with its jaw dropping celebrity
gossip, and exclusive interviews with the world’s top celebrities. While that
is great that is not why I choose TMZ as one of my favorite blogs. When you
first enter there blog it commends your attention. With headlines saying “BREAKING
NEWS” or “THIS JUST IN”, it automatically grabs your attention. They have been able to develop an audience,
readers of blogs expect or anticipate new content on a regular basis, and that
is exactly what TMZ has been able to do. With regular updates by the hour, or
if you have their app by the second you can always stay in the loop to what is
going on.
They have been able to create a media entity that creates on going
publication that is delivering fresh content in a variety of formats. But more importantly
they are always engaging their community in a interesting topic. When a blog is able to get readers and people
who visitors to interact in the form of social media outlets, then it is a form
of free advertisement for themselves. This then is wonderful proof that people
are engaged with the blog and the content and material that it contains. That is why TMZ I believe has been able to
stay successful an rank number one in its category.
While I found it interesting to read about the latest gossip
or the best parenting tips, I wanted to figure out what blogs were considered to
be national recognized and why. I was able to come across some of Time top 25
blog’s. One of the blogs that they had listed that quickly grab my attention
was the New Yorker. The New Yorker is in a way like the newspaper, offering reader’s
insight on the daily news, current fashion trends and a lot more. When you
first enter the site, what you will find different about this blog compared to
the others, is that it is very simple but flows really well. There is not a lot
of moving part, or animation. You will not find “BREAKING NEWS’ scrolling
across the top the webpage. What you will find is clear an concise information
that some readers enjoy. What makes them
great is that they are able to capture a host of different topics and give a
quick summary about it. While offering additional links if you chose to want to
explore the topic in further detail. They are what some would refer to as a
navigation blog. This is a reason why I believe they were named in the top 25
blogs by TIME.
The last blog that I thought was really good was a blog
entitled “MADDIE ON THINGS” the blog follows a dog through its adventure
through a serious of different images. This blog is not one that is going to
give the latest news or the hottest gossip or how to parent a child. This blog
is simply for enjoyment and for great laughs. People I believe love to engage
in things that are humorous yet entertaining. That is exactly what this blog
has been able to do. It captures the reader’s attention through visuals rather
through words. It allows for the reader to place its own words on the images
given. Which is remarkable and fascinating for a reader like me, this was by
far my favorite blog of them all.
After having the chance to look a several blogs, I came to
this conclusion. What makes a great blog is simple; it’s the ability to capture
the reader’s attention, in which they can relate to. It does not matter what it
is. You can see through my findings that none of these blogs are the same but
are all award winning blogs. The reason being is because they have been able to
capture their target audience, and at the end of the day that’s all that
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Back In Time With Pizza Hut!!!!

When you fast forward 13 years now you are able to order your pizza through an online app or by just texting a simple emoji from your phone. Funny how times has changed I guess. It can only be a mystery to what the next 13 years will bring to the Pizza Hut Organization.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Watch Now
If you are like me you can remember a time when there was a movie or game that you wanted to watch and play but your parents would not buy it for you. But you knew you just had to have it, but when you looked at your money stash you didn't have enough money to buy the game. So you had to resort to the next best thing. Which was to rent it from such stores like Blockbuster or Movie Gallery. Blockbuster was originate in Dallas TX, in 1985. For the longest Blockbuster was the leading force in how people were able to watch movies that had just came out, in the comfort of their own home. There was a time in which Blockbuster had more than 9,000 stores worldwide. Blockbuster was our only way to watch the movies and TV shows that we loved.
Well lets fast forward 20 years, things have certain changed. We no longer have to wait 2 months from the time a movie comes out to be able to watch it from the comfort of our homes. All we simply have to do is open our laptops, or for some of us go to the settings on our TV and pull up Netflix. Netflix is an American provider of on-demand internet steaming media, that is also available to viewers in all of Australia. In other words Netflix is a Blockbuster with all the tapes and DVD. Netflix allows for subscribers to pay a monthly fee in exchange for watching all of the TV shows and movies the heart can desire. In the article " Watch Now" it explains how the internet is having a found effect on the way we stream not only movies, but music, games, and our favorite TV shows. Some mite ask well why do we need blockbuster anymore? Well the answer is simple we don't. Blockbuster eventually entered into bankruptcy due to the fact that they were loosing to many customers. Currently blockbuster is owned by Dish Network with only 51 stores being operated nationwide.
What Does This Mean?
With the out powering amount of TV drams, and movies hitting the main stream, in today's media market it is nearly impossible to watch every last one of them. Or is it? In today market, marketers target audiences while they are already watching a show. In the article " Watch Now" she stated that she found herself increasingly aware of the ways in which Netflix was shaping her available viewing options by promoting the preview episode of a new TV series, in the hope of generating buzz for the show and new subscribers for Showtime". In all retro respect this is true, In conclusion digital media is always changing. And who's to say that maybe in 20 more years we will be watching shows inside the show itself.
At&T( 2015) "Our mission is to exploit technical innovations for the benefit of AT&T and its customers by implementing next-generation technologies and network advancements in AT&T's services and operations." This is the mission that AT&T has committed to its customers sense 1983. At&T has had the ability to stay as one off the worlds largest telecommunication company's. With over a billion dollar in sales each year one mite asked, how has At&T been able to sustain success through the year? The answer is simple, AT&T has been able to keep up with time and reinvent themselves through time. Take a moment to watch a clip that AT&T has put together for its customers.
Pretty cool video right? This video was able to give a visual explanation on what AT&T is doing for the future. In the fist part of the video you will notice that, the actors are speaking in a different language that one mite not understand. But thankfully to the voice translate software we can now understand and comprehend in language thankful to modern technologies. Now lets suppose we lived 30 years ago and you had someone who was speaking in a different language and could not understand them. What mite you do? Would you have been able to use the software that we have today? The answer is no, you would have had to have a dictionary in order to interpret every word that the actors where saying.
This is a wonderful example of how we have been able to change the way we communicate through media. I can only wonder what type of communication avenues we will have 20 more years down the road.
By Jalen.K.Jamison
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
It's Me Jay
Hi my name is Jalen Jamison, I am 21 year old in my 4th year at Queens University of Charlotte. I am a double major in international business and organization communications. I currently involved with many clubs and organizations on Queens University campus. When I am not in school I am involved in a variety of community volunteer efforts in the Charlotte, Mecklenburg county area. I also serves on the board of directors for the Boy Scouts of America, and the United Way program of Wake County. I have had the pleasure of working with some of Charlotte’s professional sports teams and in the banking industry. My dream is to one day own my on airline and to become the first African Amercian CEO of a major airline company.
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