Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reflection Cyber

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The Real Cyber

In class today we talked about the having the ability to alter one body or self image using robots. In the article The Real Cyber it talk about how some people are changing parts of their body and replacing them with robots or technology. This can be from you heart, to your leg and even your spine. Many of the people doing is this are doing it at their own free will. The question was posed to the group should this be allowed and accepted by the community. My answer to this questions was yes. Their is no law saying that one cannot alter their body in any shape or form. If that was the case then plastic surgery would not be allowed. I am a believer in, its your body do what you feel, as long as it is not harming anyone in the process.

However I do feel that it could cause problems in society though. Let's say that someone is about to die, they didn't have any true illness, they simply was dying of old age. Would it be right if someone wanted to just buy a new body so that they could live longer? I think that would be a question of the moral good . But then again their is no law saying we cant. I think that this can be a discussion all on its on.

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